Donato Sabia und Covid-19 Person-Info 

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Guardian: Italian Olympic 800m finalist Donato Sabia dies of coronavirus › sport › apr

Two-time Olympic 800m finalist Donato Sabia has died from Covid-19 at the age of 56, the Italian Olympic Committee have confirmed.

Donato Sabia: 800m Olympic finalist dies of COVID-19
The Italian 800m runner is the first Olympic finalist to die of the virus

Ex-Europameister stirbt nach Corona-Infektion
Italiens früherer Leichtathletik-Europameister Donato Sabia ist im Alter von nur 56 Jahren an der Lungenkrankheit COVID-19 gestorben. Dies gab der nationale...
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Vorname "Donato" (1101)
Name "Sabia" (68)