Dorothee Preimel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dorothee Preimel)


DGPatho Industry Symposium | Discover what's new in spatial...
1. Juni · 12:30-12:55 ‘Explore the Universe of Spatial Biology with NanoString Technlogies’ by Dr. Dorothee Preimel. 12:55-13:20 – ‘Analyzing tumor immunogenicity and TME using digital bulk and spatial transcriptomics in translational cancer research‘, by Dr. Fabian Mairinger, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Institut für Pathologie ...

Single Cell and Spatial OMICS WorkshopDANDRITE
— Dorothee Preimel, Nanostring :25 – 13:50 minFLUX. Isabelle Jansen, Abberior.
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