Dorothy L. Sayers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dorothy L. Sayers)


(1 - 4 von 22

Ärger im Bellona-Club
Hörbuch-Krimi Spannung, gepaart mit feiner Ironie Dorothy Leigh Sayers: Ärger im Bellona-Club. Gelesen von Christian Brückner, Audiobuch, Dr. Corina Zimber,...

Jill Paton Walsh: Writing Peter Wimsey novels is like acting on the...
Jill Paton Walsh channels Sayers for Wimsey mysteries

BBC - Oxford - Dorothy L Sayers' life and loves
Find out more about the Oxford born playwright, translator and writer of best-selling detective fiction.

Guardian: Dorothy L Sayers | Books | The › books › d...

At the high table with Dorothy Sayers. Penelope Fitzgerald's collection of essays and reviews, A House of Air, is an object lesson in clarity, says Nicholas Lezard.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Dorothy L. Sayers
Peter Wimsey
Vorname "Dorothy" (1876)
Name "Sayers" (105)
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