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Google News: Geek Girl Navigating the World: Going Unplugged

[BSCreview] newsfeeds, blogs, and dot-anythings. It's a different pace of living and a completely different style of communication. Out at my parents' house

Many areas marked for green space after Hurricane Katrina have rebounded
[] - When Elaine Tobias finally made her way to City Hall in August to secure a permit to rebuild her mother's house, the green-dot map was on her mind.

Obama Accelerates Crackdown on Dirty Trucks
[Reuters] - Now the EPA and DOT have lodged draft standards with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review. The OMB provided no details on the

For Shaffer, Knoxville Nationals win was incredible
[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] - Dot Shaffer, a retired US Postal worker, did everything possible to ensure that Tim had a chance to make it as a racer. "She refinanced her house three
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