Douglas Baughman Person-Info 

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Google News: Martha Porter

[Lansing State Journal] - He is also survived by his sweetheart, Audrey Baughman; grandparents, Evelynn and Douglas Stall; great-grandmother, Dorathea Stall; and several aunts and

Douglas Baughman | Poker Players | PokerNews
Douglas Baughman poker player profile. Get latest information, winnings and gallery.

WSOP – Kenneth Lind besiegt Gegner | PokerFirma
Unglaubliche Senioren fanden sich zum Seniors Event der World Series of Poker ein. Hans Pfister hat es ebenso in Tag 2 geschafft wie Michiel Ros.

Area arrests The Dispatch
The following arrests were reported by the Lowndes County Sheriff's and Columbus Police Department.
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