Dr. Ernst Georg Just Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Ernst Georg Just)


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Joni Ernst and the GOP's disgraceful game (opinion) - CNN

· (CNN) Joni Ernst just gave away the game. In the midst of the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, wherein he stands accused ...

Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, deported from Canada in 2005, dies...

Zundel was dubbed the patriarch of the white supremacist movement in Canada by a CSIS national security certificate.

Report that Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel dead at 78, but wife says...

'I spoke to Ernst just hours before and he was optimistic and upbeat as ever. There was no indication that anything was wrong,' his wife Ingrid said

Joni Ernst Just Showed Off the Republican Line of Attack in 2020ph.news.yahoo.com › joni-ernst-just-showed-off

· It's going to be one and a half years of this-with nary a mention of those subsidies the president dished out to farmers.
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