Dr. Oliver Schlicker und Microscopy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Oliver Schlicker)
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EMBL Course - Super-Resolution Microscopy - Postponed to

Multicolor 3D GSDIM / dSTORM (Group 1) - Oliver Schlicker PALM imaging (Group 2) - Leila Nahidiazar, Philipp Hoess Multicolour 3D STED (Group 3) - Jana Döhner, David Unnersjö Jess, Ulf Schwarz STED FCS (Group 4) - Erdinc Sezgin, Falk Schneider: Microscopy rooms 116 A+B. ALMF 509D + 516B: 17: :15: Coffee break: Foyer Courtyard: 17: :15

EMBL Course - Super-Resolution Microscopy - Programme

Oliver Schlicker, Leica Microsystems. Courtyard A+B. 12: :30: Canteen Lunch: Canteen: 13: :00: A quantitative map of Condensins on human mitotic chromatids Nike Walther: Courtyard A+B. 14: :30: Introduction to the SR GSD microscope and Single colour 2D SMLM using GSDIM / dSTORM (Group 1+2) Part One