Dries Vanthoor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dries Vanthoor)


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myheimat.de: ADAC GT Masters: Debüttriumph für Dries Vanthoor und ...www.myheimat.de › gelsenkirchen › sport › adac-gt-masters-debuettri...

Dank einer souveränen Leistung sicherten sich die Audi-Fahrer Ricardo Feller und Dries Vanthoor (Land-Motorsport) im Sonntagsrennen in ...

Robin Frijns, Stuart Leonard and Dries Vanthoor win 12 Hour for Audi...

It wasn't the ordinary way to end the Bathurst 12 Hour.

First ever 24-hour win for Audi R8 LMS GT2 in Zolder, Belgium

— Dries Vanthoor, who hails from Zolder, was delighted with his third 24-hour overall victory this season at his home race. The 24-year-old junior ... › first...

ADAC GT Masters in Zandvoort: Debüttriumph für Dries Vanthoor und...

Debüttriumph für Dries Vanthoor und Ricardo Feller im Sonntagsrennen vor den Teamkollegen Mies und Hofer - Fabian Vettel und Philip Ellis ...
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