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Arkansas State Fairgrounds get cooking with first-ever Little Rock ...

And it wouldn't be a bacon festival without a bacon-cooking contest. The cooking competition is for amateur bacon chefs to show off their skills and earn bacon-themed prize packs. Awards will be presented for Most Creative Dish, Best Presentation, Tastiest Dish and Bacon King Crown. Besides the original ...

Savour your Bacon on Bree | Cape Argus - IOL

If bacon makes you happy, then don't deny yourself the happiness that is Bacon on Bree in Cape Town.

Why your bacon is more expensive than ever | New York Post

Pigs can't fly — but the price of pork sure can. Bacon is a sizzling hot commodity right now. Research published by the firm Urner Barry finds that bacon...

Bacon Mistakes To Avoid: How To Cook Bacon | HuffPost

It seems intuitive to heat up your pan, drop your bacon in and listen to it sizzle, so we understand why people make this mistake all the time. But again, the secret to perfectly-cooked bacon is slowly rendered fat, without burning the meat. Starting your bacon in a cold pan allows that to happen. Start the heat ...
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