Eberhard Munz und Venus Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eberhard Munz)
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Venusfliegenfalle: Wie die Verdauung in Gang kommt – Innovations...

· Dafür war Eberhard Munz vom MRT-Zentrum des Würzburger ... Benjamin Hedrich, Jörg Fromm, Hubert Bauer, Eberhard Munz, Peter Jakob, ...

How Venus flytraps trigger digestion

Eberhard Munz from the MRT centre of the JMU's Department of Physics was responsible for this task. His experiments also showed that when ...

How Venus flytrap triggers digestion | EurekAlert!

The Venus flytrap digests its prey using enzymes produced by special glands. For the first time, a research team has measured and meticulously analyzed the...