Ebony Pruitt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ebony Pruitt)


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Woman, mother charged in Wednesday stabbing

Ebony Pruitt, 30, and her mother, Vernett Pruitt, are charged in connection with the death of Kelset Price at a Glendale Street home.

Bonds set for girlfriend, mother in stabbing

Ebony Pruitt and her mother Vernetta Pruitt are facing charges related to the stabbing death of Ebony Pruitt's boyfriend, Kelset Price.

Denver Firefighters Tackle 2-Alarm Fire At Townhomes

— One person was hospitalized with smoke inhalation and burn injuries. Ebony Pruitt, a neighbor added, "I did see a gentleman who came out it ... › news

Girlfriend called police after fatal stabbing - The Jackson Sun

— Ebony Pruitt and Vernetta Pruitt's charges in the death of Kelset Price have been sent to a Madison County grand jury. › crime › mother-daughter
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