Eckhard Bill Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eckhard Bill)


(1 - 4 von 10

Chemists forge a new form of iron
In addition to Berry, authors of the new Science report include Karl Wieghardt, Eckhard Bill, Eberhard Bothe, Bernd Mienert and Frank Neese of ...

Unifying Concepts in Catalysis: Internal Meetings & Seminars
UniCat Internal Meetings, Seminars, and Workshops Meeting UniCat's 8th Annual General Meeting with Special Talk of Dr. Eckhard Bill, ...

Eisen-Drilling spaltet Stickstoff - Molekül mit drei zentralen...
Stickstoff aus der Luft lässt sich jetzt auf sanfte Weise in eine chemisch nutzbare Form verwandeln. Eine neuartige Verbindung mit drei Eisen-Atomen im

Researchers gain insight into 100-year-old Haber-Bosch ...
— Holland and his team, which included Meghan Rodriguez and William Brennessel at the University of Rochester and Eckhard Bill of the Max ... › news-...
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