Ed Bazalgette Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ed Bazalgette)


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Doctor Who (1) - ONE | programm.ARD.de

Grant führt das typische, allerdings nervenaufreibende Leben eines Superhelden: einerseits die sanfte Nanny für die Reporterin, seine Jugendliebe, Lucy,...

Same sizzling Poldark – just a sea change! | TV & Radio | Showbiz &...

NAKED from the waist up and wielding a scythe, the image of Aidan Turner’s Ross Poldark sent pulses racing across the country.

Edward BazalgetteHuffPost UK

Ed Bazalgette is an award winning British television director. His directing credits include; BBC's hit drama 'Poldark' with William McGregor, ...

Guardian: BBC's Poldark remake: stars speak of 'pressure' of 1970s hit | BBC...

The White Queen’s Eleanor Tomlinson and The Hobbit’s Aidan Turner lead new version of classic Cornish drama
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