Eddie Hall und British Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eddie Hall)
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Britain’s Strongest Man reveals diet and fitness secrets - Daily Star

THE British strongman opens up about his insane daily diet and training regime as he shapes-up before the worldwide contest.

British man breaks weight lifting record in incredible scenes,...

This was no mean feat - but with Arnold Schwarzenegger cheering him on - strongman Eddie Hall set a new world record by lifting a whopping ...

Eddie Hall kg strict log, 420kg deadlift, 260kg bench -...

Everyone who knows British strongman Eddie Hall knows the man is a static monster but, even so, these recent training videos are something else! http://www

Lifting half a ton, World's Strongest Man cheered by ex-Governator -...

He merely broke his own personal record, but when British strongman Eddie Hall deadlifted 1,025 pounds, the world exploded. Arnold Schwarzenegger smiled.