Edu K. Kit Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edu K. Kit)


CALL TO ACTION: Cosmic Light EDU kit Workshops | IAU
The IAU seed-funded Cosmic Light EDU kit team invites science educators around the world to implement workshops in their communities. In the framework of the International Year of Light and Cosmic Light programmes organised by the IAU via the Executive Committee Working Group on the IYL2015, local organisers will receive tailored virtual and physical support from an …

Cosmic Light EDU kit | Inspiring Science Education
The Galileo Teacher Training Program in partnership with the University of Leiden and the National Optical Astronomical Observatory is coordinating one of the ...

edu.kit.ipd.sdq.eventsim.middleware.SimulationMiddleware; All Implemented Interfaces: ISimulationMiddleware. public class SimulationMiddleware extends java.lang.Object implements ISimulationMiddleware. The simulation middleware is the central point of the simulation component based simulation. This component is activated in the simulator launch ...
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Vorname "Edu" (252)
Name "Kit" (319)
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