Edward Horsky Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edward Horsky)


Fergus County Argus (Lewistown, Mont.) , August 02, 1907,...

H. G. McIntire, of Helena, l acted for the plaintiffs and Edward Horsky, also of Helena, represented the defendants. It was held by Judge Cheadle, ...

Philipsburg Mail February 17, 1911:  Page 8

Philipsburg Mail Newspaper Archive Philipsburg Montana; February Page 8. Topics include ill, city, tile, wits, vacuum, philipsburg, tuesday, shoes,...

plain text

Mayor Ed wards, whose term will expire next May. resigned his office today and th City Council elected Edward Horsky, City Attorney, as his successor.
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Vorname "Edward" (6873)
Name "Horsky" (45)
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