Edwin Coates Person-Info 

( Ich bin Edwin Coates)


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Court Round-Up: Assaulting a police officer, stealing vodka ...

Reece Edwin Coates, 25, of North Avenue, Usworth, Washington, was given a 12-month community order and a six-week curfew after admitting ...

Edwin Coates | The Northern Echo

· MANY ex-employees of Glaxo and chapel worshippers in Teesdale will remember Edwin Coates, who died recently aged 93 (Echo, Sept 20).

EDWIN COATES 6TH D.L.I. - Soldiers and their units - Great War Forum

I know its a long shot due to the millions of men serving during the great war but would anyone with a knowledge of the Durhams have any information they could...

Campbell breaks ground on first campus chapel - News | Campbell...

· Capital Campaign Committee chair Edwin Coates thanked the members of the campaign cabinet for helping to express the dreams of so many ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Edwin Coates
Albert Richard
Vorname "Edwin" (6431)
Name "Coates" (562)
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