Elgin Gill Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elgin Gill)


(1 - 4 von 20

Astonishing photos show birth of second most premature twins ever to...

Tiny sisters Makayla and Makenzie were born after only 22 weeks and three days of gestation and were given a '0% chance of survival' by doctors.

British Doctors Left Premie to Die: at 21 Weeks 5 Days, Baby Boy...

Mother launches campaign to change utilitarian British health care rationing guidelines

California parents ask doctor's to save 14oz baby born at 22 weeks |...

A California couple are praying their baby boy survives after they asked doctors to save him when he was born on Tuesday four months early weighing only

LifeNews Slovakia | Správy, ktoré hybu svetom | Dvojičky narodené...

Kanaďan James Elgin Gill sa narodil v roku v 21. týždni a 5. dni tehotenstva. Prežil a dnes je z neho zdravý dospelý muž. Je držiteľom ...
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