Elia Awwad Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elia Awwad)


La guerra de los niños | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Yussef acaba de cumplir los 14. Vive en Calandia, uno de los campos de refugiados más miserables de la región de Ramala, donde se amontonan pers

AM - More Palestinian children take up arms

Palestinian doctors and psychologists are warning of a sharp rise in the number of children taking up arms against Israel In the past month three 15-year old...

Noteworthy Psychologist, Elia Awwad Salem, PhD, will be Disp

The International Association of HealthCare Professionals is pleased to welcome Dr. Elia Awwad Salem, PhD, Psychologist to their prestigious organiza
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Elia Awwad
Vorname "Elia" (754)
Name "Awwad" (93)
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