Elisa Hansen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elisa Hansen)


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Five-year-old Siamese twins Lisa and Elisa Hansen underwent skull

Five-year-old Siamese twins Lisa and Elisa Hansen underwent skull surgery Wednesday in what doctors hope is one of the last steps to their history-making...

Lisa y Elisa Hansen, | Edición impresa | EL PAÍS

Lisa y Elisa Hansen,. hermanas siamesas que nacieron unidas por la cabeza, se encuentran en un estado postoperatorio satisfactorio, según los médicos que les...

Frisk luft bedre end hjemmehjælp – Ekstra Bladet

Som min tålmodige læser må have bemærket, befinder et af mine mange hjem sig på Langeland. Det er en glimrende observationspost at iagttage provinstilv

Five-year-old Siamese twins Lisa and Elisa Hansen, separated in

Five-year-old Siamese twins Lisa and Elisa Hansen, separated in a historical operation four years ago, recovered 'nicely' Thursday from follow-up surgery on...
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