Elisabeth Wenner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elisabeth Wenner)


(1 - 4 von 30

Put down the Chewy Chips Ahoy: A 'solidified ingredient,' ...The Seattle Times

— ... Elisabeth Wenner, a spokeswoman for the Illinois-based snack company, wrote in an email to CNN that there were some instances in which the ...

Chips Ahoy! chewy cookies recalled9News

— Company representative Elisabeth Wenner explained that there had been some instances where the cornstarch in the recipe didn't fully ...

Recall says a 'solidified ingredient' in Chewy Chips Ahoy ...Boston.com

— Elisabeth Wenner, a spokeswoman for the Illinois-based snack company, wrote in an email to CNN that there were some instances in which the ...

Put down the Chewy Chips Ahoy — a 'solidified ingredient,' ...The Florida Times-Union

Elisabeth Wenner, a spokeswoman for the Illinois-based snack company, wrote in an email to CNN that there were some instances in which the cornstarch "did ...
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