Elisha H. Scott Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elisha H. Scott)


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Botch job association - Elisha Scott - Handy, Bromley college of...

The recently built block of flats situated on the corner of Carlton parade in Orpington has recently come under scrutiny after tenants complained…

Down Memory Lane: Elisha Scott was keeper of the Celtic traditions -...

Dixie Dean, England and Everton’s acclaimed centre-forward, scorer of a phenomenal 63 goals in the season, had no hesitation when asked to name his top...

Guardian: The incomparable Dixie Dean - interview: from the archive,

Originally published in the Guardian on 24 November 1977: Frank Keating talks to Dixie Dean, the pride of Everton, who even at the age of 70 can spin a tale or...

Best Liverpool players ever, the top Telegraph

Our list of the greatest players ever to pull on the famous Red shirts of Liverpool
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Person "Scott" (3)
Vorname "Elisha" (401)
Name "Scott" (3077)
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