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Spiegel.de: News Digest: The New New Middle

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonNominating a "liberal" for CDU general secretary, Angela Merkel moves the conservative opposition toward the political center - right where Chancellor Schröder has positioned the Social Democrats. Also: A merger of the London and Frankfurt stock exchanges? 

Spiegel.de: News Digest: Toward a Shareholder Society

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David Hudson Chancellor Schröder wants employees to be paid in part with shares in the companies they work for. Also: The Stasi knew all about Kohlgate. 

Spiegel.de: News Digest: Marlene: Mythos and Missed Marks

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonOne of the most expensive German films of the year opens this weekend to mixed reviews. Katja Flint captures the look in "Marlene", but the director and screenwriter miss their marks. Also: "Hollywood in Berlin". 

Spiegel.de: News Digest: Do Germans Like to Watch?

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonReality TV hits Germany in a big way with "Big Brother". Interior Minister Schily calls for a boycott. Also: The Holocaust "is all around us." 
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