Ella Baxter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ella Baxter)


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BBC News | NORTHERN IRELAND | Northern Ireland's New Year honours

The full list of Northern Ireland people who have received awards in the New Year's honours list.

How to cope with those first days back at school - Wales Online

The first day at school is a key milestone in every child's life, so we asked  South Wales teaching expert Nicola Morgan to give her advice on how to prepare...

Maidstone mother and daughter Michele and Ella Baxter will be helping...

A mother-daughter team will be on the end of a phone listening to children in need of support on New Year's Day.

HONOR ROLLS | News, Sports, Jobs - Tribune Chronicle

Ella Baxter. Emma Patterson. Gianna Clark. Hailey Toy. Ian Tricker. Madison Donaldson. Mason Eckart. Michael Eckart. Morgan McClintock.
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