Ella Peri Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ella Peri)


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Academic Success Presentation - University of North Dakota

Please join Corey and Ella as they present on the process of creating outlines. Lunch will be provided!, powered by Localist, the Community Event Platform

ILSA General Meeting - University of North Dakota

Please join the Immigration Law Student Association for their first general meeting of the year! We'll be discussing our plans for the upcoming year., powered...

MaerzMusik - Peter Eötvös: As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreamswww.berlinerfestspiele.de › programm › programmdetail_3893

Corinna Jarosch Dramaturgie. Ella Peri Regieassistenz Jörg Schildbach technische Leitung und Bühnenbau Jos Mulder, Eva Pöpplein Toningenieure.

Peter Eötvös: As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams - Berliner Festspielewww.berlinerfestspiele.de › programmdetail_3893

Ella Peri directing assistance. Urs Hildebrand lighting design. Corinna Jarosch dramaturgy. Jörg Schildbach technical director and stage building
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