Ellen Degeneres und Lady Gaga Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ellen Degeneres)
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Stars gegen Homophobie und Mobbing

[123Stars.de] - Auch zahlreiche Prominente wie Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, Anne Hathaway, Joel Madden, Ke$ha, Sarah Silverman, Ellen DeGeneres. Die Website www.itgetsbetter.org, die auch einen deutschen Ableger hat www.eswirdbesser.org, richtet sich an Jugendliche

Google News: Hold On 'Til the Night (2011)

[Entertainment Weekly] - Last year, the 13-year-old Oklahoman's aching cover of Lady Gaga's ''Paparazzi'' became a viral smash and landed him a record deal with Ellen DeGeneres. Forgoing the enthusiastic pandering perpetrated by other Disneyfied tweens, Chance reveals a

Thursday's TV Talk Shows

[Los Angeles Times] - 4 pm KCBS The Ellen DeGeneres Show Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis; Lady Gaga performs. 4 pm KNBC Tavis Smiley Human rights activist John Prendergast; singer Nikki Jean. (N) 11 pm KOCE The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Author Scott Miller (“The

Google News: Preview Greyson Chance's 'Hold On 'Til The Night'

[Idolator: All About The Music] - Since rocketing to fame with a much-talked about cover of Lady Gaga's “Paparazzi”, the Ellen DeGeneres championed middle school student has released two singles and an EP. Now that he's about to drop his full-length LP, will Greyson be able to mix it