Elmar Mock und Patent Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elmar Mock)
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NZZ: Findiger Tüftler und Philosoph | NZZ

Seine Swatch hat die serbelnde Schweizer Uhrenindustrie einst wiederbelebt. Dank dieser Erfindung sowie 178 weiteren Patentfamilien wurde Elmar Mock zum...

EPO - Elmar Mock (CH) - European Patent Office

› press › mock

Elmar Mock (Switzerland) - European Patent Officewww.epo.org › learning-events › european-inventor › finalists › mock

28 Jun · Swiss inventor and entrepreneur Elmar Mock developed an ultrasonic welding technique that helped create the Swatch wristwatch and pave the ...Missing: Feedback | Must include:Feedback 28 Jun · Swiss inventor and entrepreneur Elmar Mock developed an ultrasonic welding technique that helped create the Swatch wristwatch and pave the ... Missing: Feedback | Must include:Feedback

Prix Gaïa – Jacques Muller and Elmar Mock. Craftsmanship ...www.watchonista.com › articles › history › prix-gai...

· Jacques Muller and Elmar Mock came up with an original watch design and have also written the propositions in the patents for the watch that ...