Emil Nolde und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Emil Nolde)
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National Gallery of Ireland in crossfire over Emil Nolde’s...

The National Gallery of Ireland has decided not to take down a painting by Emil Nolde, a German artist and Nazi sympathiser, despite some members of the public...

New Berlin exhibition exposes Emil Nolde's Nazi ties - The Art ...www.theartnewspaper.com › › new-berl...

· Emil Nolde has long been one of the most popular German Modernists, loved especially for his Expressionist landscapes and flowers.

Artist Emil Nolde's Nazi Past Scrutinized in Exhibition in Berlinwww.artnews.com › art-news › news › emil-nolde-n...

· On November 9, 1933, German artist Emil Nolde attended what he considered his most important networking event to date: a dinner party with ...

Emil Nolde: Contradictions of A Degenerate Artist And Nazi ...www.artlyst.com › news › emil-nol...

Emil Nolde (1867–1956) was arguably one of the best known “degenerate artists” working in Germany at the time of the Third Reich. No other ...