Emile Gallé und Glass Person-Info 

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Newsfeed - Hickmet Fine Arts

Emile Gallé, – 1904, is considered a driving force behind the Art Nouveau movement and one of the most outstanding glass artists of his time...

Emile Gallé, Large Vase with Butterflies

close window. (Right click on image and select 'Save Image As...' from contextual menu). Emile Gallé (French, ) Large Vase with Butterflies, c. Emile Gallé (French, ), Large Vase with Butterflies, c Glass, 15” x ”. Gift of Alma de Bretteville Spreckels Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, ...

Emile Gallé and the Origins of Art Nouveau - Exhibition at The ...

About. The Bowes Museum's coleections include an early commission from Gallé, a glass caberet set made to order in for Joséphine Bowes. It forms the ...