Emma Germano und Victoria Person-Info 

( Ich bin Emma Germano)
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Emma Germano - ABC Rural - ABC News

Victorian Farmers Federation horticulture president Emma Germano says all sides of politics need to commit to scrapping the backpacker tax.

Female farmer Emma Germano on Q&A says she doesn’t call herself a...

Emma Germano, who runs I Love Farms in Victoria, rejects the label feminism it was now 'loaded' and had other connotations that prevented good outcomes for...

Anger at backpacker tax rise | The Standard

The Victorian Farmers Federation is angry about the increase in tax on working tourists.

Backpacker tax blues: 'There's going to be fruit wasting on the trees'

Emma Germano, vice president of the Victorian Farmers Federation's horticulture group, says the backpacker tax "saga" is making it harder for farmers to find workers in an industry that "already suffers a serious labour shortage", and is damaging industry confidence. "There's one member of the VFF who ...