Emma Graham-Harrison und Afghanistan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Emma Graham-Harrison)
(1 - 20 von 21

Taliban say Marine tape won't hurt Afghanistan talks | ロイター

A video showing what appears to be American forces urinating on dead Taliban fighters prompted anger in Afghanistan and promises of a U.S. investigation on...

Guardian: Drug trade could splinter Afghanistan into fragmented criminal state...

UN expert warns west of danger of not stepping up efforts to tackle opium production in Afghanistan after record $1bn harvest

Why I'm staying in Afghanistan — Joël van Houdt

Unlike the usual one or two years foreigners come to Afghanistan for, some stay committed for decades. Story by Emma Graham-Harrison:.

More attacks as Petraeus hands over command in Afghanistan | Reuters

General David Petraeus, Washington's new intelligence chief, handed over command of U.S. and NATO-led troops in Afghanistan Monday, a day after a tentative...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Emma Graham-Harrison
Emma Harrison
Vorname "Emma" (9855)
Name "Graham-Harrison" (1)