Energy Exchange Person-Info 

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[] - Der CO2-Handel verabschiedet sich, Aktivisten fordern ihn ganz zu "verschrotten", die EU setzt ihn erstmal auf Probe aus

CERC shortlists Deloitte, Poyry for power exchanges' audit
[Business Standard] - The successful bidder would audit the trading software algorithm used for price discovery by the two power exchanges -- Indian Energy Exchange and Power Exchange India. A senior CERC official said the final bidder is likely to be decided by next week.

EU States Backs Rules on CO2 Trade Security, $7 Billion Reserve
[Bloomberg] - While the EFET said yesterday that the proposal to hide serial numbers brings “important drawbacks” and called on member states to carefully consider the issues at stake, the Leipzig, Germany-based European Energy Exchange AG said the rules proposed by

Google News: АО «Казмортрансфлот» планирует инвестировать $750 млн. в развитие своего флота ...

[КазИнформ] - Как сообщалось ранее, организаторы конференции «Развитие Каспийского шельфа», прошедшей июня, - Казахстанская ассоциация организация нефтегазового и энергетического комплекса «KAZENERGY» и компания The Energy Exchange.
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