Eng. Nader Riad Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eng. Nader Riad)


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Nader Riad News - The latest news from TRT World

At TRT World, audiences can expect balanced, in-depth reporting with a focus on global responsibility. We bring you Nader Riad news coverage 24 hours a day, 7...

Ask the expert-Eng. Riad Al Assaad

Ask the Expert: Engineer Mr. Riad Al Assaad Will be attending our Baldati Offices in Elyssar on Wednesday March 24 at 6...

New Initiative to Encourage Exchanging Books in Cairo | Nasher News

Nader Riad, an Egyptian engineer, launched a new initiative to exchange books and promote reading in the streets of Cairo. Themed 'Take one book and Leave Another', the initiative started as a small free library, which he established at Al Alfy Street, that featured literary, cultural, scientific and children's ...

Firma Bavaria bedient arabischen Raum von Nürnberg aus - Nürnberg |...

NÜRNBERG - Es begann alles mit einem Praktikum. Zwei Sommer lang schnupperte Nader Riad in den Betrieb der Firma Bavaria hinein, und so machte sich der junge...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Eng. Nader Riad
Vorname "Nader" (803)
Name "Riad" (81)
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