Erez Berg und Seminar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Erez Berg)
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Condensed Matter Theory Seminar - Erez Berg (Harvard University) "A...
Abstract: The iron-based superconductors, discovered a few years ago, hold a great promise, from both a technological and a scientific point of view. With an...

Anyonic Defects: A New Paradigm for Non Ablian Statistics
by Erez Berg. at Condensed Matter Seminar. Mon, 01 Dec 2014, 11:30. Physics building (#54) room Abstract. Systems supporting non Abelian statistics are ... › seminars

Condensed Matter Seminar - Rutgers Physics
New physics in flat Moire bands · Erez Berg (Weizmann Institute of Science), Natan Andrei. Tuesday, Feb 9, at 1:30 pm, Magnetism at high pressures: ... › seminars