Erik Proulx Person-Info 

( Ich bin Erik Proulx)


(1 - 4 von 11
) Hoffnung in der Pleite: "Lemonade: Detroit" - Netzfilmblog

Erik Proulx hatte vergangenes Jahr die Idee, nicht die schlechten Seiten Detroits in einem Kurzfilm zu porträtieren, sondern genau diese Menschen. Die 17 Minuten von Lemonade: Detroit geben einen kleinen Funken Hoffnung.

Making lemonade from layoffs, Harry's pricey lesson - The Globe and...
Simon Houpt tracks the latest trends in the world of marketing and advertising

Ad Agency Vet & Documentary Filmmaker Erik Proulx Launches Fighting...
Little Black Book, Agency creative who documented career reinvention in the film “Lemonade” has found his calling in his new production company, co-founded...

AIGA Austin Presents: Lemonade with Erik Proulx - › events › aiga-austin-presents-lemonad...
· Check out AIGA Austin Presents: Lemonade with Erik Proulx at Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz in Austin on September 06, and get detailed ...
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Name "Proulx" (245)
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