Ernesto Milanes und Cuban Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ernesto Milanes)
(1 - 17 von 20

The week in 34 photos
Photos: The week in 34 photos. Cuban artist Ernesto Milanes made this bronze sculpture of U.S. President John F. Kennedy smoking a cigar.

Cuban Cigar Festival
· ... made by the Cuban artist Ernesto Milanes, background, is seen during the inauguration of the 15th Cigar Festival in Havana, Cuba, ...

Cuba Cigar Festival - DAWN.COM
Cuban artist Ernesto Milanes, background, is seen during the inauguration of the 15th Cigar Festival in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, Feb. 26, Cigar enthusiasts from around the world come to Cuba during the annual celebration ...

Expo focuses on unique works of Tunisian and Cuban artists
Two solo art exhibitions at Katara – the Cultural Village feature unique and diverse range of works from Tunisian and Cuban artists.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ernesto Milanes
Vorname "Ernesto" (1745)
Name "Milanes" (27)