Esther Wojcicki und Education Person-Info 

( Ich bin Esther Wojcicki)
(1 - 30 von 31

Facebook and Fake News: Esther Wojcicki On Teaching Digital...
So how do we prepare today's high school journalists (and tomorrow's mainstream reporters) for such an era? Our guest today: educator, journalist and author of the book "Moonshots in Education," Esther Wojcicki, who most of her students call Woj, has some ideas. Esther has been teaching for more than ...

Moonshots in Education with Esther Wojcicki | Jewish Community...
Changing the culture of a classroom can seem as daunting and impossible as a moonshot, but as the aeronautic heroes of the 1960s found a way to achieve their...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Esther Wojcicki
Vorname "Esther" (11142)
Name "Wojcicki" (43)