Esther Wojcicki und Educator Person-Info 

( Ich bin Esther Wojcicki)
(1 - 32 von 32

Esther WojcickiWorld Government Summit
— Esther Wojcicki is a leading American educator, journalist and consultant, and leader in Blending Learning and the integration of technology ...

Facebook and Fake News: Esther Wojcicki On Teaching Digital...
So how do we prepare today's high school journalists (and tomorrow's mainstream reporters) for such an era? Our guest today: educator, journalist and author of the book "Moonshots in Education," Esther Wojcicki, who most of her students call Woj, has some ideas. Esther has been teaching for more than ...

Sesh Welcomes Legendary Educator and 'Godmother of ...
— ... of Silicon Valley', Esther Wojcicki, as Chief Parenting Officer ... experts to support parents around the world”, said Esther Wojcicki. › se...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Esther Wojcicki
Vorname "Esther" (11142)
Name "Wojcicki" (43)