European Flag Person-Info 

( Ich bin European Flag)


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Band History: – – Camberley and District Silver Band
April – Band play fanfare at Presentation of European Flag of Honour Cermony April – Visit from Accordion orchestra from Bietigheim – Bissingen

EU STARS: EU bosses demand that EU stars be incorporated in Union...
EUROPEAN UNION chiefs are drawing up secret plans ordering member nations to incorporate the ‘ring of stars’ emblem of the Council of Europe into their flags.

Guardian: Europe: the barcode | Culture | The Guardian

Design: If anyone can gussy up the image of the European Union, surely it is the Dutch architect and theorist Rem Koolhaas.

'British Nazi' filmed spectacularly failing to burn EU flag in...
An apparent anti-EU activist has been filmed spectacularly failing to set fire to a European flag after a rant about “forced mass immigration” eroding British...
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Vorname "European" (48)
Name "Flag" (28)
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