Eva Kurucz und Hungarian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eva Kurucz)
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RTL lodges Hungary complaint in BrusselsBroadband TV News

— In response to the move, Eva Kurucz, a Hungarian government spokesperson, said in a statement to the news agency MTI that Hungary was ready — In response to the move, Eva Kurucz, a Hungarian government spokesperson, said in a statement to the news agency MTI that Hungary was ready ...

Govt Scholarship Programme to Help 11,000 Needy Children - Daily News...

All news about Hungary and Hungarians in English: politics, business, society, culture and sport news

Varga: Hungarian Govt Not Mulling Corporate Tax Changes - XpatLoop.com

The government is not planning to change the taxation rate for companies next year but the longterm goal is to have a flat-rate tax, Mihály Varga, the economy m