Eva Rehak und President Person-Info 

( Ich bin Eva Rehak)
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acheter localement pour économiser et moins gaspillerRadio-Canada

— Eva Rehak dans sa cuisine. Eva Rehak, co-propriétaire de la ferme Alva et présidente de l'Union nationale des fermiers au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Pandemic-inspired demand for local food down a bit, but still strong ...ca.news.yahoo.com › amphtml › pandemic-inspired...

vor 4 Tagen · Eva Rehak, president of the National Farmers Union in New Brunswick and ... (​Submitted by Eva Rehak) The business model involves selling ...

New limestone transportation program to help farmers ...Government of New Brunswick

— “Considering the many high costs farmers have to deal with today, we welcome this new program,” said Eva Rehak, president of the National ...