Fahima Hassan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fahima Hassan)


(1 - 4 von 19

Mother urges federal government to secure release of two Canadian...

Maymona Abdi and Karima Watts were arrested by police in January in Hargeisa, and face the prospect of 40 lashes each as part of a sentence handed down after...

Emiratis sweet-makers preserve UAE heritage | Uae – Gulf News

The two ‘logaymat’ makers regularly visit colleges to educate Emiratis about their past

2 Canadian women freed from Somaliland prison say they endured...

Her family retains property in Somaliland, according to Abdi's mother Fahima Hassan. According to Jason Jeremias, a human rights activist ...

Two Canadian women detained in Somaliland and sentenced to 40 lashes...

Maymona Abdi, 28, and Karima Watts, 23, were arrested in January and convicted of consuming alcohol, although no alcohol was found in the house where they were...
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Person "Hassan" (6)
Vorname "Fahima" (36)
Name "Hassan" (2542)
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