Farah S. Kamal und Pakistan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Farah S. Kamal)
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Pakistani students to participate in int'l event

Pakistani students to participate in int'l event

Farah S Kamal, Author at The Express Tribune

Get the latest Pakistani and international scoops on the economy, sports, lifestyle trends and social issues.

#TryBeatingMeLightly, say fearless Pakistani women

Adeeqa Lalwani, Digital Storyteller. #TryBeatingMeLightly and tell me if you would like yourself to be beaten up lightly? - Farah S. Kamal, Education Consultant.

Farah Kamal, Author at The Express Tribune

The Express Tribune in partnership with The International Herald Tribune is the first Pakistani newspaper offering global perspectives and local news with...
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Vorname "Farah" (961)
Name "Kamal" (469)