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Spiegel.de: Sudan-Krise: Darfur ist Ruanda in Zeitlupe - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Hunderttausende sind bereits elend umgekommen. Jetzt bahnt sich eine neue Katastrophe im Westen des Sudan an. Doch die Regierung in Khartum zeigt sich...

Arabs in spotlight at biggest book fair - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

FRANKFURT, Oct 6: Arab publishers hailed their invitation as special guests at the world's largest literary event, the Frankfurt Book Fair, as a long-overdue honor on the opening day of the show Wednesday. The vice-president of the Arab Publishers' Association, Fathi Khalil Al-Bess, said that Muslim ...

Servomarin Industries Completes Acquisition

Servomarin Industries Completes Acquisition. VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA The former shareholders of SSB include Heshameldin Fathi Mohamed Khalil, ...

Fathi Khalil Announces inauguration of Land Road linking Sudan to...

Sudan News Agency-SUNA وكالة السودان للانباء- سونا English, Arabic and French اخر الاخبار السودانية اقتصادية ، سياسية، ، اخبار الصحف اليومية
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