Fatih Abay und Muslim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fatih Abay)
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Sociology of Islam – Reflection, Revision & Reorientation - Uni Bielefeld

Panel Islamic Knowledge Production in Germany between Mosque and. Academization. Moderation: Levent Tezcan. Fatih Abay (Europa-University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder & EHESS Paris). The 'Secular-Liberal' Muslim within the German Public Sphere – Contesting a Category from a Socio-Anthropological Perspective.

Sociology of Islam – Reflection, Revision Plureligion.net

Fatih Abay. The 'Secular-Liberal' Muslim within the German Public Sphere –. Contesting a Category from a Socio-Anthropological Perspective. Ayse Almila Akca. „Gottes Religion“ vs. „Religion der Vorfahren“: ein ethnographischer Blick auf die Konstruktionen von wahrem Islam in einer deutschen.