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How the Rohingya crisis is changing Bangladesh - Khaleej Timeswww.khaleejtimes.com › opinion › how-the-rohing...

— By Tom Felix Joehnk ... Close to one million Rohingya from Myanmar are said to be living in Bangladesh at the moment, nearly half of them having ...

NZZ: Der Attentäter schläft vor Gericht - NZZwww.nzz.ch › der_attentaeter_schlaeft_vor_gericht-ld

— November wird einem Pakistaner in Mumbai der Prozess gemacht. Das Urteil steht so gut wie fest. Tom Felix Jöhnk, Mumbai

THAI KING Maha Vajiralongkorn was crowned over three days of ...enewspaper.latimes.com › infinity › article_share

“The assumption must be that the monarch is now the principal decision-maker,” said Tom Felix Joehnk, a Bangkok-based writer and economist.

Behind India-China tussle over Bangladesh -The Asian Agedailyasianage.com › print-news

Forrest Cookson and Tom Felix Joehnk have stated in their article that both China and India want to expand their commercial ties with Bangladesh.