Felix Stein und Development Person-Info 

( Ich bin Felix Stein)
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Auslosung der siebten PDC European Development Tour für bekannt...

Am Freitagmorgen beginnt das siebte Turnier des Jahres auf der PDC European Development Tour Die Development Tour ist das Jugendturnier der PDC. Diese...

Draw released for PDC European Development Tour Event Seven |...

This weekend sees the conclusion of the PDC European Development Tour with two events a day for the rest of the weekend to decide the victor The...

ERC Starting Grant to study reparations in development - Mirage Newswww.miragenews.com › erc-starting-grant-to-study-...

· Felix Stein is an Economic Anthropologist at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at UiO, where he studies global health ...