Flamur Ahmeti Person-Info 

( Ich bin Flamur Ahmeti)


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Sonte shfaqja “Portreti” - Bota Sot

Në skenën e vogël të Teatrit Kombëtar sonte në ora 20:00 jepet shfaqja “PORTRETI” me motive nga Migjeni.Regjinë e kësaj shfaqjeje e ka bërë Kaltrim Balaj.Në...

NAMES year-old injured three people from the same ...

— Citizens Tiku Ahmeti, Luli Ahmeti and Flamur Ahmeti were injured, who were injured by 21-year-old Gjergji Arapi. The injured were taken to ... › aktualitet

Three Citizens Injured after Quarrel, Perpetrator Identified

— ... namely 49-year-old businessman Adriatik Ahmeti, Luli Ahmeti and Flamur Ahmeti, were injured after a quarrel with several other people. › thr...

Zbardhet plotësisht enigma e Karl Gega :: Shpirti i Shqiptarit ::...

Shqiptare te bashkuar per nje Shqiperi te bashkuar !
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