Flavia Grassi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Flavia Grassi)


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'Euro inflation' riles consumers - Washington Times

ROME Flavia Grassi used to lunch regularly at a charming trattoria close to the Piazza del Popolo. From midday, for a modest 18,000 lire, ...

Euro pricing con

From hairdressers to restaurateurs, a European Commission survey shows how the double-dealers and Del Boys of the Continent have used the transition to single...

Chapter Chatter

Shown with the Edison dynamo (from left) are Giordano Spadacini, Flavia Grassi, and Sergio Pignari. Sergio is the new IEEE EMC Chapter Coordinator.

Its a Dynamo

Fig. 4. The Department of Electrical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Fig. 5. Close to the Edison dynamo (from left) are Giordano Spadacini, Flavia Grassi, ...
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Vorname "Flavia" (1028)
Name "Grassi" (254)
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