Frances Appling Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frances Appling)


Obituary for Betty Frances Appling Webb, Monticello, AR
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is the largest source for award winning news and opinion that matters to you. Featuring up to the minute breaking news and the...

NACBHDD > News Article Details
Deaths during the week: Mrs. Mary Frances Appling , 64; Jeffery L. Harper , 27; Mrs. Maxine McClure Maddox , 77; Mrs. Cecial Dodson Stovall ...

A Stroll Down Memory Lane: Nov. 11, Jackson Progress-Argus...
description of page Tarrant Cares, Texas

HOMESTEAD: Rancher's U.S. roots reach back more than 350 years
OZONA — Bob Childress' family roots trace back to England, and that's where he returned in the early 1980s with two border collies, to compete in sheep dog...
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Vorname "Frances" (2445)
Name "Appling" (103)
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